Child custody can be one of the most complex aspects of your divorce, but the good news is that using alternative means of dispute resolution can help you resolve the issue without unnecessarily having to go to court.
Mediation is a helpful way to work through custody issues, because it gives you the opportunity to come up with a schedule with the input of your spouse. At the same time, a third-party mediator is present to prevent a breakdown in communication, which means that you and your spouse are more likely to come up with an agreement that you’ll both be happy with once your divorce is finalized.
Why should you have a mediator guide your custody discussions?
If you and your spouse are struggling to come up with a custody schedule that works, having a mediator help could be beneficial. A mediator:
- Lets both parties describe their preferences
- Guides conversations back to the issue at hand rather than allowing conflicts to derail it
- Provides an informal setting for a discussion
- Offers a confidential meeting area
- Helps the parties explore creative solutions
Since a mediator can do these things, they’re in a good position to keep your discussion on track.
You should be aware that a mediator isn’t a judge and won’t give you legal advice. You may want to have your attorney present to help you understand how different options may affect you. However, the mediator will give both you and your spouse the opportunity to express your wishes and remain neutral while giving you the options available.
Our website has more on mediation and why it’s a good choice for some people going through divorce.